Signs that are mounted on a building’s exterior serve as key branding elements for your business to the outside world, as well as assisting your customers—and potential customers—to find your location. There are a number of different types of building-mounted signs, which differ in exactly where on the building’s exterior they appear.

Awnings & Canopy Signs
Awnings extends from the building—typically above a door—and also serves as shelter. Canopies are similar to an awning, except they do not include the goal of providing shelter.

Blade Sign
Is mounted on the building, but the sign extends at a perpendicular angle.

Wall or Fascia Sign
Attaches to the exterior wall or fascia of the building. The fascia is a vertical extension that can reach from the grade to the top wall or eaves, or the horizontal extension across the width of the building. It also can include slanted wall surfaces, called a mansard.

Channel Letters
Channel letters are custom-made metal or plastic letters commonly used in exterior signage on public and commercial buildings. They are often internally illuminated. Unlit three dimensional letters that are applied to sign panels or monuments are usually referred to as dimensional letters.